Olives (Spain)

Study Details

  • Research institution: Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
  • Date: 2022
  • Location: Baeza, Jaén, Spain
  • Soil: Clayey loam; pH (CaCl2) = 8.51
  • Fertilizers: Solubor®
  • Crop variety: Picual
  • Trial design: 1B: 0.3% stocking rate, 6l/olive, 1.8 kg/ha; 2B: 0.6% broth consumption, 6l/olive, 3.6 kg/ha; Control: Boron is not applied.


Solubor treatment improves potassium levels in the olive tree, improving the morphology and weight of the fruit, as well as the fat yield of the same, therefore the production of the olive tree will be higher.


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