Cotton (Sinop, MT – Brazil)

Algodão (Sinop, MT, Brasil, via foliar)

Detalhes do estudo

  • Instituição de pesquisa: NEMABIO, Pesquisa agronômica
  • Pesquisador : Dr. Claudinei Kappes
  • Data: 2022/23 e 2023/24
  • Local: Sinop, MT – Brasil
  • Variedade da cultura: TMG 44 B2RF
  • Solo: Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) containing clay (49,8%), sand (32,5%), and silt (17,7%)
  • pH do solo: 5,7 (CaCl2)
  • Informações adicionais sobre o solo: OM 24,3 g/dm3; P 28,9 mg/dm3; K 91,6 mg/dm3 S 25 mg/dm3; Ca 4,1 cmolc/dm3; Mg 1,6 cmolc/dm3; B 0,23 mg/dm3; Cu 0,5 mg/dm3; Mn 0,5 mg/dm3; Zn 3,4 mg/dm3; Fe 60 mg/dm3
  • Fertilizantes: Granubor®, Solubor® Flow +K, e líquido 10%B (ácido bórico + monoetanolamina)
  • Design do teste: Blocos casualizados com quatro repetições
  • Métricas: Rendimento (kg/ha), teor de B nas folhas e no solo (após a colheita). Avaliação do estande de plantas –para garantir um estande consistente em cada replicação.


Given the soil and climate conditions of this study, the results obtained allowed us to conclude that:

  1. In the first year of the study, the application of Solubor Flow +K at its highest dose (equivalent to 0,9 kg/ha B), divided into five times, provided higher potassium and boron levels during bloom and boll development
  2. In the second year, all treatments that received reapplications of boron were efficient in increasing the number of bolls per plant and the boron levels in the leaf and soil
  3. In the two consecutive years, the seed cotton yields obtained with the foliar applications of Solubor Flow +K were statistically similar to those provided by boron MEA.



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